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A tsunami threat from Linux Mac OSX

Written By kandis on Kamis, 03 November 2011 | 23.41

A new threat facing the world this time comes from Mac and Linux using an old backdoor "trojan / Kaiten" made ​​for the penguin, which was derived from the Trojan OSX / Tsunami-A, which remain connected to an IRC channel on hold instruction.

Graham Clueley Blog Naked Sophos Security, writes that this type of malicious code, usually is used to gather the most infected computers and use them to DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) to a web site.

At the moment however this is not a real malware threat to Mac OS users, although it can be used to access user data you hit. It is not yet clear how tsunami could spread among users, but probably with a persuasion to install software to clean the Mac or to protect the system could be installed by careless users.

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